Healing The Spirit: Astrology, Archetypes & Artmaking

61. Contemplating Saturn in Pisces with Erin Tack Shipley & Sabrina Monarch

Episode Summary

What can the archetype of Saturn in Pisces teach us about translating our dreams to reality? What does it mean to cultivate spiritual discipline? How do we work with jealousy and projection?

Episode Notes

What can the archetype of Saturn in Pisces teach us about relating with our dreams and our realities? What does it mean to cultivate spiritual discipline? How do we work with jealousy and projection? 

Starting March 7, 2023, Saturn will begin her transit in Pisces for roughly the next 3 years. To celebrate this milestone, I invited two Piscean astrologers whose works have nourished and inspired me deeply - Sabrina Monarch and ET Shipley. 

We dove deep into the archetype of Saturn in Pisces, touching on topics such as: the maturation of dreams, starving artists, structures that nourish and build, ice cream and diamonds as the embodiments of Saturn in Pisces, the necessity of daydreaming and the utility of leisure, choosing who our work is meant to be for, relating to the sea of colleagues within our professions, judgment and jealousy, spiritual lineages, and many more. 

It's a free-flowing, deeply inspiring transmission in the watery depths of Pisces. At many points during the editing, I marveled at how the three of us entered a trance-like flow where we seamlessly weaved our distinct voices and perspectives into an ocean of communal wisdom. 

Here's Sabrina's bio: 

Sabrina Monarch is an author, evolutionary astrologer, and counselor/coach. She gained an unconventional education in creative writing by discovering an online writing community at age 12 and gaining dozens of mentors who would help her learn how to write for the next several years. She developed an interest in astrology at a young age as well, and took her craft deeper in her early twenties. She writes weekly forecasts at www.monarchastrology.com, is the host of a podcast about spiritual lifestyle and personal evolution called Magic of the Spheres, and she teaches astrology online, including an all-levels Evolutionary Astrology Initiation, Dragon of The Moon, and advanced alumni courses. Sabrina is widely appreciated for her poetic voice and capacity to name subtle, abstract undercurrents of any particular astrological moment. She has an M.A. in Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies and currently resides in Portland, Oregon.

Connect with Sabrina on Instagram @sabrinamonarch, on Facebook, or through her website www.monarchastrology.com. Sabrina's Evolutionary Astrology Intensive is such a potent offering that brings together communities of curious and brilliant seekers together for a deep dive into a soul-centered astrological path, of which I'm a proud alumni. 

Here's Erin Tack Shipley's bio:

Erin Tack Shipley is a liberation-centered, collapse astrologer supporting folx in staying with the challenge of being in right relationship within and beyond systems of oppression. Working with astrology and attachment fundamentals, Erin helps people reconcile the gap between how they are in the reality of their present conditions and who they perceive themselves to be in their ideal world. Erin lives, works and tends community on the unceded and occupied lands of the Amah Mutsun, Popeloutchom, Awaswas and Ohlone peoples.

Connect with Erin through her newsletter, her website, and her Instagram.