Healing The Spirit: Astrology, Archetypes & Artmaking

40. Jeff Hinshaw: Cultivating The Flame of Devotion

Episode Summary

What is devotion? What role can devotion play in our path as spiritual beings? How can tarot and astrology assist us in deepening our devotional practices?

Episode Notes

What is devotion? What role can devotion play in our path as spiritual beings? How can tarot and astrology assist us in deepening our devotional practices?

For many of us, myself included, the word ‘devotion’ has become a keyword closely associated with the zodiac sign Virgo. In this episode, my partner in conversation, Jeff Hinshaw, invited us to expand our perspective on what it means to cultivate a devotional practice.

We discussed what Jeff is learning from this current chapter of their practice - while Saturn transits their 1st house and Jupiter is (mostly) in Pisces. We also spoke about religious trauma and the role that modalities like tarot and astrology can play in helping us connect with spirit when our religious / spiritual upbringing do not provide a place where it feels safe to bring our whole selves.

Jeff is someone I admire deeply for their ability to not only present wisdom in an accessible, healing manner, but also embody and exude the frequency of his transmissions with sincerity, gentleness, and care. This conversation is no exception. It’s a fluid, mystical transmission recorded at a liminal threshold (on 11.11.22!) and it feels right to share it as the Sun leaves the watery realm of Scorpio into the fiery land of Sagittarius.

Here’s Jeff’s bio:

Jeff Hinshaw (he/they) is an intuitive practitioner fusing together over a decade of experience working with tarot, astrology, and somatic healing.  Jeff’s practice is grounded in reverence for the elements, nature, the Earth, and Spirit.  Jeff offers their unique expertise of ritual, tarot, and astrology to guide others on journeys of self-exploration, transformation and healing.

Jeff is the host of the podcast Cosmic Cousins.  Released on the New and Full Moon, each episode facilitates a deeper connection to the Moon and the current astrological transits.  Jeff is also the founder of the Brooklyn Fools: Tarot Journey – a 22-week ritual gathering through the Major Arcana of the tarot.  Dubbed as a “radical tarot school” by National Geographic, the Brooklyn Fools Tarot Journey has been an active Tarot Community since 2014.  Jeff’s teachings of the tarot go hand-in-hand with their astrological practice.

You can find Jeff and his work on his website, his podcast, and his Instagram.