Healing The Spirit: Astrology, Archetypes & Artmaking

38. Christopher Marmolejo of The Red Read: Reading The World

Episode Summary

What does it mean to do a reading and to be a reader? What is the role of literacy in liberation? What role does faith play in reclaiming the truth of who we are?

Episode Notes

What does it mean to do a reading and to be a reader? What is the role of literacy in liberation? What role does faith play in reclaiming the truth of who we are?

In this invigorating conversation, I’m joined by my friend and tarot-astrology scholar extraordinaire Christopher @the.red.read in discussing their take on what it means to do a reading and to be a reader. I’m inspired by Christopher’s cultivation of their embodied intuitive knowledge and the ways they translate that to their work.

This conversation invited me into deeper contemplations of what it means to play the role of sharing our love of esoteric knowledge with others - be that in a reading or teaching capacity, which are so often intricately intertwined.

We spoke about Christopher’s passion and dedication to helping others cultivate a practice of reading tarot for themselves and others, and how to weave a body of knowledge in a community of learners and seekers.

Here’s Christopher’s bio:

Christopher is an educator, astrologer, writer and tarot scholar. Their work interweaves knowledge of astrology, mythology, tarot, feminist, queer knowing and being to create a dynamic space of exalted spiritual regard. Their readings are a constellation of consciousness, a channel for healing, and a tool for decolonization. The classes, readings and writings work to give and facilitate new ways of reading the world and the self, to empower the writing of a new world and to revise worn out self-concepts. In Christopher’s tradition, literacy, in all its forms, is the legacy of liberation.

Find Christopher on their website www.theredread.com to join their newsletter, to check out their classes, readings, and other offerings.